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Secure access has become a more pressing concern for many companies that value the privacy and safety of their data. Solutions like VPN software can help address these concerns somewhat, but they often leave their users lacking as far as features and convenience are concerned.
These are the situations where solutions like cloud VPNs can come in handy. Cloud VPNs offer all the security features you’d expect from using VPN gateways, but with the supervision of a cloud provider to help lessen the need to manage your VPN gateway internally.
It’s a particularly potent tool in today’s remote-based work culture. A cloud VPN solution can help your remote workers share data remotely, access your network traffic even from multiple devices, and enable a mobile workforce without sacrificing secure access.
How Does a Cloud VPN Work?

A cloud VPN service is a VPN solution where your connections are encrypted via secure tunneling protocols. This private network uses private cloud environments to ensure that only authorized connections can access your data, encrypting both the connections your users use and the data that they send through these connections.
In principle, cloud VPN services aren’t much different from your average VPN solutions. However, the addition of a cloud platform and the various cloud VPN protocols can help make a secure connection globally accessible without the hassle of management.
This is possible because a cloud VPN enables your connections via a third-party cloud service provider. This provider manages your VPN on a cloud server, which eliminates the need for an on-site network administrator - or any management from your business entirely.
Why You Need a Cloud VPN Server

A VPN’s main function is to mask your IP address, routing your normal traffic through international servers instead of a static IP address. Depending on the features of your chosen VPN connection, you may also enjoy other features like switching to a preferred IP address as soon as you connect online, automatically halting online services when your VPN gateways are stopped, or encrypting your online traffic between peer devices.
However, a typical setup requires that you create your own private network to use these types of services. You would host your own server, manage authorized connections, and set your default IP addresses.
This requires a lot of technical know-how, time, and resources - things that you may not always have. A cloud VPN solution is the better alternative; access to cloud VPN resources, protected remote access, and other advanced security and network features drastically increase both efficacy and security.
Why Cloud VPN Protocols are so Effective

So, a cloud VPN server allows you to securely connect to a network or otherwise operate online without the fear of cyberattacks. Why is this so useful?
An encrypted connection is a non-negotiable for any person, entity, or business that wants to keep its data secure. But if you use public connections, this isn’t always a guarantee. A VPN can help you securely access things online, and cloud VPNs can help you do this with much less effort.
Ease Of Use
A cloud VPN avoids all the management, setup, and maintenance that you’d otherwise need with a traditional VPN model. No need to keep on-site servers, no hiring of network administrators, and no spending significant time setting up devices or user authentication.
Cloud VPNs operate on a "plug-and-play" model, where all you need is a device with an internet connection and a few minutes to set up. It’s security made simple.
Expert Support
A cloud VPN server is overseen by a third-party SaaS (software-as-a-service) provider. Your provider will set up, manage, and maintain all day-to-day operations needed to keep your VPN tunnels running - security without supervision.
Your Cloud VPN provider effectively automates the technical requirements of using a VPN service, freeing your time and resources so you can focus on the things that matter.
Flexible Deployment
Because it’s cloud-accessible, anyone from casual customers to a corporate network can use and configure a cloud VPN. It’s a service that can scale and adjust to your needs, whether that’s securing an entire private network to ensuring confidential data is protected when you go online.
Some cloud VPN services even employ technologies like dynamic routing, which can drastically improve a private network’s ability to adapt to new demands.
Cost-Effective Protection
A cloud VPN service is far cheaper to deploy, manage, and maintain compared to traditional VPNs. Without the need for hardware, personnel, and training, you can get your cloud VPN running within hours of talking to a provider.
More importantly, this cost-effectiveness scales with your needs. A large business and a single individual will be able to find cloud VPN solutions that meet their requirements without incurring as much cost but with equal access and support.
Future-Proof Service
Finally, cloud VPN solutions work well with the future of data connections and network security. With so many services, companies, and data making their home in the cloud, it’s unlikely that your cloud VPN server will be rendered obsolete or unnecessary anytime soon.
Your cloud VPN provider will work with you to give you the protection that you need while also accounting for the rapid shifts in technology. It’s an easy yet reliable way of making sure that you stay protected, no matter what happens.
Shieldoo: Protection and Convenience with Your Cloud Virtual Private Network

If you’re looking for an easily accessible Cloud VPN solution, consider Shieldoo. It allows you and your users to connect to your own networks without the need for extensive configuration.
Shieldoo allows you to enjoy the latest insecurity encryption software with a few simple clicks. It’s a secure network that can be linked with your Google or Microsoft account (via association with single sign-on API for ease of use) and hosted on Amazon’s Web Services cloud platform for better user experience and security.
Enable your remote workforce without worrying about unauthorized users gaining access to your data. A cloud VPN server that combines efficiency with convenience - that’s Shieldoo in a nutshell.
Authorized Connections and Robust Data Encryption With Shieldoo

Corporate networks and casual users alike can enjoy Shieldoo’s zero-trust technology, with 100% uptime for your transmitted data regardless of where you are. Gain access to the data and resources that you need without having to be deployed on-site, all within a few minutes of installing the application.
Above all else, Shieldoo makes data security easy. No compromises on the support of our services or risk exposure to the dangers of unprotected connections. Whether you’re a corporate network needing additional support or someone who wants a secure yet hassle-free online experience, Shieldoo is there for you.
When should I use a cloud VPN?
When you want to connect to a resource accessible from the internet (like a company network) or you want to “shield” your online traffic with an extra layer of encryption, or if you don’t want or can’t manage remote access control within your company.
What’s the difference between a traditional VPN and cloud VPN models?
Traditional VPNs usually require a server operated by the company or a user. With a cloud VPN, the service is operated by a VPN provider, who can oversee the VPN gateways, protocols, and services to ensure secure remote access.
Do I need a VPN with cloud services?
Given that accessing the cloud via the public internet exposes both the user and their data to attacks, a cloud VPN solution is a must. This allows you to still enjoy the convenience of cloud services with the security of private networks, without too much compromise on the part of your remote users.
What is a (self) hosted VPN?
A self-hosted VPN refers to a VPN hosted on a server by its user. This allows you private access to a private network, but you manage all aspects of your network security, from infrastructure to maintenance.